Sunday, August 19, 2007

Ankles gain 50 lbs overnight!

Although our flight over here was better than I expected, there were some unexpected consequences....I suppose I just experienced what it's like to be pregnant in the summer - and, as a summer baby, what my mom went through when she was pregnant with me. Thanks mom!

Speaking of my mom, she's been having a pretty good time checking out all the clothes and material while we've been here. Here she is at the sari shop where we bought my wedding sari

Ok, that's it for now!


N said...

It looks like you're all having a fabulous time in Bangalore! Even if it's an exhausting and ankle-swelling time. We wish so much that we could be there to celebrate with you, but reading about your adventures in Bangalore makes us feel more connected with your wedding. Thanks for taking time to post about everything that's going on over there!

Unknown said...

Not only less swollen but much more color on those toes. Nicely pedicured toes I might add! I'm catching up on the blog. People keep mentioning your blog and I completely forgot about it!