Sunday, February 24, 2008

Slow life

Well, I suppose it's time for another's been a few weeks and there are a couple things that have happened.

Topic # 1: Super Furry Animals (not Fritz or Vivek). Yay! My favorite Welch band found its way to Minneapolis! We weren't sure if we would be able to make it, but Vivek miraculously recovered from his fever in time for lab happy hour (a newly instituted, weekly pool and beer event), dinner, and a long night listening to music (that was entertaining, bad, and then fantastic). There were a few memorable moments to the night - the first was an opening act by Jeffrey Lewis. With songs about Top Ramen and the comic book animated Creeping Brain I found myself wishing that his act would go on a little longer. Another, much too loud, act later and we found ourselves staring at five Super Furry Animals. And they certainly were furry! I couldn't tell at first because the lead singer came out wearing a Power Ranger's helmet - as you can see....
He also ate celery as a sound effect at one point.

Topic #2: Fritz goes insane! It seems that Vivek's absence during the work week has confused Fritz. When Vivek's gone, Fritz acts like he's lost and can't figure out what to do with himself. He's always happy to see me when I get home from work, but once he realizes that Vivek isn't coming home he starts yeowling and running around the apartment. Sometimes he even hides in his cat tent (given to him by the parents of his cat buddy Lindy).

When Vivek finally does get home, Fritz doesn't know what to make of it. A couple weeks ago, Vivek was petting Fritz when Vivek tried to amp up the petting with a second hand. Fritz freaked out and went into attack mode as Vivek brought his hand over. For his trouble, Vivek suffered bleeding puncture wounds and scratches all over his right arm. The next day Fritz walked over to Vivek, sat down in front of him, and gave him a mean spirited meow. Vivek stepped around him, and in return, Fritz attacks him again! Thankfully Vivek was wearing pants, so he was fine. That was the end of the misbehaving though, and ever since Vivek sprayed Fritz with water, things have been cool. I guess Fritz just needed to know that Vivek isn't a total pushover (though, it's really really close!).

Topic #3: Vivek and I have been married 6 months....Hooray! To celebrate we bought a cheap bottle of champagne at Costco. I'm drinking it now, in fact. It went well with the frozen pizza we got from Costco, and to me is the perfect Oscar watching beverage.

Slow life indeed.....

Oh yeah, see if you can figure this one out:

Saturday, February 16, 2008

India Wedding Photos!! - Really!!!!

Well, we got a CD with our wedding and reception photos from the Indian photographers. We've posted them in two public Picasa albums that you can find here. There were actually many more photographs than what we've posted, but most of them were bad at worst, and hilariously funny at best (though not in a good way - see the post called O! for an example of that type of photo).

We may try to add captions at some point....maybe I'll start now. Anyway, enjoy!